Coconut Oil

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What is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is an edible oil derived from the milk and meat of the coconut palm fruit. It is moisturizing, soothing, anti-inflammatory, and fights bacteria. Growing coconut palms does not require the use of pesticides, but the crop does pose problems for biodiversity and deforestation. As demand for coconut products increases, coastal mangroves are being destroyed in favor of coconut palm monocropping operations which are low in biodiversity and deplete the soil. 

Want a hot take? While it’s hotly debated whether coconut oil or palm oil has a more negative planetary impact, it’s important to know that even if it is a “better” choice than palm oil, it isn’t the best option out there. (Psst, we prefer shea butter!)

Is Coconut Oil “good”?

Not really. A study from the International Union for Conservation of Nature found that when compared to palm oil, coconut oil posed a threat to the biodiversity of nearly five times more species per million tons of oil produced. It’s important to note that that widely-cited study looked at small island nations that produce only 8% of the global output of coconut oil, whereas 80% of coconut oil comes from Indonesia, the Philippines, and India. Some say that excluding these small producers would yield a different number. So, take that with a grain of salt and think about the origin of your oil.


What kind of products are made with Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is emollient, which helps smooth and soften skin, which is why it’s found in products such as moisturizer, lip balm,and even diaper rash cream. It’s also found in many food products and is a key ingredient in some plant-based meat alternatives

Are there certifications I should look out for?

While there aren’t any specific certifications, you may want to choose coconut oil products that are hexane-free. In production, to separate the milk from the oil, a neurotoxin called hexane is sometimes used.

Still want to learn more? Check out some of our favorite references:

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